Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Eminent Domain: What do you think?

I hope you all enjoyed the lesson on eminent domain. I think you all learned quite a bit, and hopefully you've already gone home and shared with your families what you've learned about this important issue. I hope that understand that anyone can be affected by this government "tool." Now I want you to sound off – I want to know what you think. Here's a little something to get you started:

"This is America. This is a country with free enterprise. You have all the rights to own your property, your own home, your own business. You have the right to build your American dream."

"The use of eminent domain is a delicate tool, but it is a tool and it helps keep a community clean; it helps keep a community vibrant. It's a good tool and, definitely, I don't think it should be taken away."

These are quotes by two of the people interviewed in the film Unintended Consequences: Eminent Domain. Use them to get your thoughts rolling. Does eminent domain have a role to play in our communities? What should government do to protect private property rights? What can we do as citizens to ensure that these rights are protected? I don't expect you to answer the questions directly (but you may as part of your thought process). These questions are intended to help you think about the issue.

This will be an open forum, which means your comments should post immediately. Do not copy the thoughts of those that post before you, but you can certainly work off of them. That means that you can comment on a comment – you can disagree, agree, or just comment on the thoughts of someone else – but give me your ideas.

Here are few links:
An interesting story from CBS News



Your comments must be posted by the end of Saturday, November 19.


Kiley said...

I do not agree with Eminent Domain because the government should not be able to take peoples private property. To protect private property rights government should take a majority vote of the people in that area before they start there work or construction. As citizens we can ensure that these rights are protected by attend county planning meetings, stay informed about scheduled projects, and know what on the ballot when you go to vote. Eminent Domain is a good tool to use yet it is up to the citizens to monitor it.

ryan said...

i agree with kiley but i still think it is a useful tool if the governmenrt controls it. with it we could make new schools, homes, buildings, roads and many more things for the public comuntiy

McDonald:) Anna said...

I would definatley agree with Kiley on this one!! Come on, how would you feel if your sweet neighbors were being forced out of their homes? well I believe that our government is taking over our private property. Also, I think that Ryan is right that Eminent Domain in a great tool for smaller projects like: schools, roads, and small buildings to update and help the public cummunity. Thanks, Anna

Carter Singletary said...

I agree with kiley but if we use it as a tool for taking property and increasing tax revenue then it is unjust and should not be used for that reason. Though if we use this to make schools, expand roads, expanding the neighborhood, and other community - helping things then it would be exceptional usage. Also I think the homeowners should be able to agree upon a price with the state and not just the state deciding whether or not their price is just.

Anonymous said...

When the lesson began explaining eminent domain I thought "This is ridiculous and anti-american!" Yet by the end of the movie I shifted closer to siding with the government. I'm satisfied with the current position of eminent domain; it is capable of taking property, more likely poorer acres, and turning them into helpful public infrastructures. Current state governments learned from the past and no longer excersize eminent domain to unrealistic levels. I like a quote from the film, or maybe it was Mr. Veliz "It's our duty to keep our cities clean with eminent domain." I could completely put myself in a possition high within the state government, and I already beleive that eminent domain is very necessay. I would side eith the government.

Sydney A said...

OMG this ^^ comment is Syney Aparicio

Sydney A said...

annynomous = Sydney

Micaela Hawkins said...

I think i agree with sydney in the beging i thought oh well this isn't a good thing, but by the end i thought well it takes peoples homes away but it creates better things for our community. Sooo i agree with sydney the government doesn't use eminent domain in unrealistic ways. And they use it to help people. I agree with the government.

Logan said...

i think emiment domain is good and bad. it's good becauses it can build something important that really helps everyone, but it is very bad because it is bad to take away private property that is taking something away that is not your and that is stealing.

david lunn said...

I think that it is good if we use it right but lately the gov. has been using it to raise taxes so they have more money to spend. also they must give "just compensation" no low balling people out of their land.

Quinn said...

I do not agree with eminent domain. I don't think that the government should be able to take property from people because the people bought and own their houses and it isn't fair for the government to take that away from them.

Doronathan Do said...

I've read all the comments, and I agree eminent domain is good/bad. It's good because the government uses eminent domain to build schools, roads etc. It's also bad because the gov. has been using it to raise taxes so they have more money to spend.

Rayne said...

First of all, I just want to say that eminent domain is the most dumb and absurd thing I've ever heard of. I don't know why any of you think that eminent domain is ok! You can't just take people's property, even if it is to build a library or something productive like that, but really? That is just WRONG!I agree with David, if the government is going to use eminent domain at all they should AT LEAST do it right! I don't think the government has any right at all to take away property from people just because their house isn't prety or they can do something "better" with the property. It's like someone saying I'm going to take away the bed in your room because we can put a bookshelf there and it will be so much better! So, in my opinion, eminent domain should not exist AT ALL..yeah that's it.

Hannah Tillman said...

I do and don't agree with Eminent Domain. I don't agree because you shouldn't be taking peoples private property at all.I mean, would if they were forcing your family members or a best friend out of their house, I know you would totlly disagree with Eminent Domain. Therefore I also agree with Eminent Domain because inorder to keep a city or state going they need more money to keep the people alive. Also if the states are going through any problems they are going to need money to keep them going.

brenn rosenbaum said...

i do not agree with eminent domain but it is true that sometimes the government has to take over and focus on the overall wellfare of the city but they should have mercy and not just go bye bye leave were taken over, and destroy there house.

Rachel Lamantia ;) said...

I think Eminent Domain is a good thing until they use it to make car dealerships or something. It could ruin someones life and it could help other people. Building a community is a fabulous thing but over taking people's private property is not right!

Kelsey Othling said...

I agree with Rayne definitely on eminent domain. With all these rights that we have, it's stupid to not give the right of owning your own private property without the thought of the government stealing it. I mean, you bought the house, not the government so it's only fair that you keep it. Even if the government wanted to build a school or library, this is private property. What about the 100-year old woman who probably is suffering. Kicking her out of her own home would just make matters worse. In the video the expanding of a car dealership was horrible. That Rod's place looks really good, and I'm serious guys, I would take the $2.99 breakfast special over an extra car dealership parking lot in a heartbeat.

Kelsey Othling said...

If the previous comment was a little harsh then sorry. I'm just really against eminent domain :-)

Hannah Tillman said...

I have really thought over Eminent Domain with my parents. They both say that it is right unless they are not using it for public use. I strongly agree with that Eminent Domain is a good thing under one condition: it has to be used for public use. And if it is not then the government have to ask for permission from the owners of the house with an agreeable price.

Hunter Elizabeth Reedy(: said...

I do no agree with eminent domain because people should have the right to own their property without anyone being able to take it away from them. I think the rules should be changed to requiring the people who own property to agree on letting the government take it instead of taking it by force. We can't really do anything to stop the government from taking property from people, but the bright side to eminent domain is that the people who loose their property gets paid for it and eminent domain is used to build public things.

Rayne Hawkins said...


Rayne Hawkins said...


Rayne said...

oh whoops blond momnet...i clicked the button twice

kyle bondurant said...

i personally think that eminant doain for tax money is all a scam because people loose their homes to what? a car factory? if you think about it you see that people loose their houses and end out on the street. THE STREET! what about that? are you ready to see you one hundred year old grand mother pushed out on the street with barly enough money to buy a new house, not to mention the fact she would have to get a job in a decaying aconomy and probably end up as aburden to the family who also is having money trouble! the fact that the government ils getting tax money doesn't help if it is hurting the very people who you got the money for. so personally i would like to say that no matter how much tax money you get if you are throwing other people into debt then you should read the bible or what ever kind of moaral basis you use to decide wether or not you are being responsible and aware of youre actions or if your hurting others who need their own homes and property. people desirv to have freedom and it doesn't help when you barge in and throw a family out of their house and tell them that they are loosing their house to a freaking wallmart or something that people don't need.

Rachel Lamantia ;) said...

I totally agree with Kelsey and Rayne eminent domain can't and should not have the right to take peoples private property.

sarah dara : said...

Ok well I don't really know much about eminent domain considering I wasn't here but from what I could read on the comments yes people should not be able to take other people's private property but I can't really take a position because I don't really know a lot about it but I do know that invading people's privacy and taking their own private property is wrong.

sarah dara :p said...

Ok well I don't really know much about eminent domain considering I wasn't here but from what I could read on the comments yes people should not be able to take other people's private property but I can't really take a position because I don't really know a lot about it but I do know that invading people's privacy and taking their own private property is wrong.

sarah dara :p said...

Ok well I don't really know much about eminent domain considering I wasn't here but from what I could read on the comments yes people should not be able to take other people's private property but I can't really take a position because I don't really know a lot about it but I do know that invading people's privacy and taking their own private property is wrong.

sarah dara : said...

Sorry guys for sending that three times

sarah dara :p said...

Sorry guys for sending that three times

Emma Alford said...

Eminent Domain is most defiantly a useful tool for the government, but it isn't used well i some cases. I believe that this tool is not a good one. Can't they buy uninhabited property from owners or banks to place their hospitals or highways. Tax uses is a horrible reason to do that. Also if you don't know it can also be used for private property or intangible property. The government was already corrupt enough to use tax payer money to buy 16$ muffins, the next thing we want is our house being taken because a veteran wanted it or our trade secrets stolen so they could be used against us. Yes eminent domain can be used against intangible property to. I to believe eminent domain has been used for good purposes, I have been affected by it once and it was farmland my family owed being taken for an air traffic control tower. That itself is o.k. but they're threatening to take the entire farm which is plain not cool. In the end I agree with Rayne, it just shouldn't exist.