“When I was growing up, my parents used to say to me: ‘Finish your dinner — people in China are starving.’ I, by contrast, find myself wanting to say to my daughters: ‘Finish your homework — people in China and India are starving for your job.’” -- from Thomas Friedman's The World is Flat
First, let me thank you all for your attention to the film this week. You probably know my answer to the question in the title of this post. I do think there is a crisis - a quiet crisis that is more dangerous than any crisis we face as a country. But this blogging session is not about what

The film 2 Million Minutes tells the story of how six students use their 2,000,000 minutes (4 yrs) of high school. It quickly becomes obvious that the two students from India and the two from China spend far more time in school and studying than the two students from the United States. While all six students went on to college, the Indian and Chinese students were disappointed that they did not get into their first choice of schools. What does this say about them? Are they weaker students than the film portrayed? Or did they just set their sights higher than the American students?
So, how does all of this relate to you?
Are you concerned or alarmed by what you saw? Do you think that American students like you should be doing something different? Should school officials and teachers being doing something different to help improve how American students are performing?
Is there really a crisis?
You may think that all this talk about a crisis in American education is just dead wrong. What do you think? Is there really a crisis? Do you think that you'll be prepared to compete for the really good jobs when you graduate from college?
Do you think American students spend enough time in school and studying? Do we spend too much time on other things - sports, TV, video games, etc.? Do you think that you should make changes in the amount of time that you study?
Regardless of how you feel about 2 Million Minutes, there is a lot to talk about and debate. I want this to be the most active blogging session so far. Read all of the comments that have been made, enter your own comment, then come back often throughout this week to continue the conversation. The only thing that I ask, is that you keep the conversation thoughtful and intelligent. Be sure to give reasons for the opinions you offer.
Before commenting, take a few minutes to watch the following video:
Helpful Links
USA Today article about 2 Million Minutes
Boston Globe - My lazy American students
This session will end at 12 am on Monday, April 2.
Student Sleeping image from Flickr
This movie that we watched yesterday and today surprised me. Especially the part where the kids from India and China did not get their first chioce for college. The reason why is because they work twice as hard has us and we still get our first choice. This makes me want to study more than the other people and know a little more than the people around me. This video at first made me feel stupid at first, but at the end it got my attention of what they were trying to say. I think it is right to be able to take breaks between study time because if I study everything at once i forgetmost of it
I think the U.S is doing an okay job at education although after what i saw we could improve a lot more. Here we think we have a lot of homework and for us it seems like it is. And when we have to study we may even study 3 hours for a test but in other countries that is nothing. But i don't think we should have a no social life and study 24/7. We could always improve on education but i dont think as much to the extent of other countries. Students in other countries are used to their school life yet if we adjusted here it would be difficult being raised with the social life's average people do. America has been fortunate to have the technology we have and in other countries they dont have those distractions as much. Yet we should try and pay more attention in class and studying. Still have our other activities and social life but not as much as usual.
In america the schools should be more advanced then what they are right now. Students should be studying more and make better achievements. I think it is a crisis. The economy is really taking a downturn even if we are slowly rebuilding it. By the time we are out of college jobs will probably still be hard to come by. I think that americans aren't studying enough. people in china and india are still studying more and are starting to surpass america's students.
This was amazing! it opened my mind to how close the world has become. The entire idea blew my mind. I think that this realy puts the preasure on us. I realize that other schools force their students to work harder andit makes me feel surprized especially because we are getting into our first choices for college but we are working far less then the students in other countries who did not get into their first choice even thow they did have high expectations, they still surprized me.
As a student i felt pretty inferior about my education compared to India, China and other countries. At the same time i dont want the amount of necessary studying in my american high school to increase. I was scared enough about high school before i saw it taken on in the first hand point of view of these honor students. America is the land of the free and home of the brave, and we're famous for it, so it would make sense to keep american high schools full of oppurtunities and learning yet allow kids time to enjoy their freedom.
DEAR 'KIWEY', other countries invent that technology they definatley have the posibility for distraction.
DEAR HANNAH, I almost forgot about that part, where the students didn't make their choice of college in India and the one girl in China. it shows you how strict the quotas are in other countries. It was suprising.
<3 bipolar bear
2 Million Minutes was a great movie but there is a point. I think that that point was that the U.S. would find where we are in economics and fight for our #1 place. We obviously are not in the top 10 and so we need to work extremely hard! Also i think because of this situation we need to have higher goals in life, and work in school as hard as we can. Then go to collage. I understand how sum people don't have the money and that's OK but the people that have money to go to collage need to go so our economics can grow. This movie made me feel ashamed because I am in a bridge class but am no where near where I would be in China. Then we have the fact that if our parents did more to enforce school (like they do in China) we might do better. So in this case i think we do have a little competition and a crisis. We need to do better, USA, better I tell you, better!!
I agree with most of what has been said. We need to keep looking ahead at being #1 and not stop. For example in soccer the people who think that they are the best start to chill out and goes easy on the other team. While the other team is trying to beat the good team they are starting to get ahead. And the better team end up winning. This is exactly what is going on right now with america. I also think that while trying to be number one you should be able to take breaks in between the studying or what ever you are doing.
I agree with Kiwey and Hanna, the U.S is doing ok in education but there is room for loads of improvement. I feel that the film "2 Million Minutes" isn't trying to say that America is terrible in education compared to other countries such as India and China. I think the one of messages of the film is that while America may seem like it's terrible in education(or there is lots to improve), at the same time it is good that there is flexibilty between education and social life. I'm not sure whether or not American education is a crisis at the moment. I feel that American students do spend a moderate time in school, though i don't think American students spend enough time studying, like the Indian girl said it seem as if American students study more when they want to than they need to.
I believe that the U.S is doing o.k in education also. the thing that separates U.S children from the others is that our whole isn't revolving around school. I have heard my parents say multiple times that humans are programmed to socialize. That is what our school system is doing, is letting us learn but also have fun at the same time. that is what i believe is wrong with the other educations. I also agree with Kyle, this movie has opened my eyes to the world and let me see how hard other students study( i thought i studied a lot). i do not believe this is a crisis because eventually India and China run out of jobs so all the kids come to America. this is where America will again get a boost and "retake the lead".
I believe that this Movie was inferring that we need to step up our game academic wise and wake up and put us down to lift us up. I also was a little offended by the message I thought the Asian's and Indian's were sending about how much better they were than us_American's. To answer the question I do not believe we are at a crisis acedemic wise I think thats just the way it is - its either Tecnology and Sports or Acedemics and Schools..Not saying Americans don't try hard acedemic wise and make good grades we just have dropped down and its not a crisis unless it gets to bad. I also think that schools should focus more on math and science (no offence Mr.Veliz;) and set higher expectations some how and I have decided to take my future more seriously and waist less time. I was confused about the end and how The Asian and Indian were not accepted to the college and the Americans did???? <3 Help
I think there is a crisis in American education because kids across the world are learning more advanced things than we are here. People in other parts of the world are looking forward to coming to America for college because they want to experience the free life and advancement in American technology and society. Even kids in foreign countries say we have more freedom and are able to relax more but I think that's the problem. In my opinion we spend enough time in school but we should level and balance out the time we spend studying and watching tv and doing sports, etc. I feel if we have a fair balance between those things we'll have a better chance at succeding in school and careers.
I think that the U.S.A. could step it up a little bit but we kkep on saying how bad our education system is, what got us to the top of the world, certainly NOT a bad education system, what makes us have the best lives, our freedom. The people in china and india said we have better lives and the we have so much fun. We do have much more fun, much better lives, but that's what America is all about. i remember it said i think about 25% of P.H. degrees in america were to forieners. Well we are the land of the free, anyone can come her thats the point of america. our system might be slaking alittle. But we are still on the top of the list. we still are inventing, disvover, etc. Just because china and india are forced to study harder dosent mean theyre smarter, all it means is they don't have freedom, and have strict parents. so they get better grades. that means nothing about how smart they are.
I don't thinkn the Uinted States of America is in idanger really. The apparently super smart children from India and China could not get into the schools of their choice because in China and India that's what is expected of you. Also those countries have an extremely high population so they are less unique than they might be here. Our population is increasing to which means as long as their are enough dreamers and overachievers in society the US as a whole will be great. But as the individual we are in an crisis. The China and India really are better off in schooling and education but as Mr.Veliz said "You aren't in my class to memorise a bunch of statures and vocabulary words. You are hear to learn and have thoughts and opinions, not to be a statistics robot! We have the Internet for that!" The united states is a place you can't help but be glad you live in, the true land of opurtunity, a place that gives us everything we need. It's some peoples fault if they waste their potential and opportunity and maybe not be forced to memorise and study like the foreign children and to stop making silly education reforms like putting 7th graders in a highschool class to relearn 2nd grade while they miss important stuff like physics and chemistry, and to just motivate us to use our potential, encourage parents to help remind kids that bright futures should be earned and to just encourage kids to take school seriously and to not rot their brains in front of a tv.
Great start.
Many have expressed concern over the position of the United States in comparison with India and China, and I believe that is an important first step. You need to recognize that a problem exists before you can begin to remedy it.
Now, let's start thinking about that next step. Who is it that is responsible for this situation? What should be done to begin to turn things around? What can you do? What can I and your other teachers do? What can school administrators do?
Finally, what role should parents play in helping improve education in America?
Brenn - You make some good points about the importance of freedom in the United States and its relationship to maintaining the American dream. I believe that you are correct in pointing out that it was our education system that helped position us as leader of the free world. However, a few important questions loom. Is our education system as good as it's ever been? Will the same style of education that made us competative in the 20th century still serve us well in the 21st century?
This comment is not just for Brenn. I'd like to hear how all of you feel about this.
I meant to include this in my last comment. I shared this video (link below) with the teachers at our school and our district administrators downtown. I urge each of you to watch it (with your parents if possible). Dr. Jacobs talks about how we need to remake our education system to help prepare students for the 21st century.
Here's the link:
I have been looking at the comments and started thinking about what mister veliz said in class about how one of his best students got held back in Korea. If this is how other countries operate, then how long until they get ahead of us and surpass america? and if they do,will they attack us? I'm starting to wonder if they only work with us because they fear us.
I keep thinking that signing a petition might work. Parents nationwide could sign a petition to improve school systems from kindergarden to 12th grade. If enough states participated in petitions or got the government's attention in some different way, than the government will notice. A necessary change in education will be publicized. We, the people, control what happens in this nation, so if we all truly want a revolution in education, and we make it known, we will get it.
I honestly don't think this is a crisis. So what if a few countries are smarter than us? What can be caused by that? We're already in debt. I don't really see the point of what good things would happen if our education was inproved. I don't see why it's necessary to pack our young lives with more work and less time for enjoying our youth. My previous comment was a suggestion of what the people could do to improve our schools but THIS is my opinion.
I really don't think this is an actual CRISIS, but just a fact to be aware of. Also, I don't get why there is even a race in the first place. Yeah- so China and India are growing in academics- that doesn't mean we should torture are children with all this excessive studying and work! It's just like bullying- another country starts excelling and leaving us behind making us feel jealous. Then the department of education decides that we have to be like them and get better so they force us to be someone we are not. America is the country of the FREE! It's the country where there are many great people and geniuses who an handle work and still have time for fun and enjoying life. We only have a small amount of time on this planet, so let's make the best of it! And I'm not saying that we shouldn't try AT ALL, it's just that we should stay our own country and let people excel in a less intense way, like coming up with better ways to get work and studying in without losing the fun of life!!!
It seems to me that we are being both procrastinators and hard on ourselves. We are procrastinating by instead of stepping up and being better students making excuses. A quick trip to google show'd me there have been more google searches for why grades DON'T matter than why grades DO matter. A site that came up said "Your grades in both high school and college reveal not only your work in an individual class, but they also show your potential skill level, your aptitude for a particular topic, and most especially, your work ethic." Our work ethic is not very good because we live in a land of luxury, work is difficult and it is not interesting enough for us to get into. That is why the procrastination is not good. But we are also being to hard on ourselves, it isn't our fault if compared to china we look extremely stupid. Its like how some (in my opinion extremely dumb people) think that an apocalypse will happen. There are some people that figure playing COD all day will prepare them for the end (something they convince themselves because they are extremely lazy.) Then there are the doomsday preparers with their bomb shelters throwing their lives away on the chance a crisis will happen. If we all live our lives but stay mildly prepared (doomsday people just in good physical condition, american school students staying above average and in good mental condition.) We are in better shape than the crazy person and the procrastinator because we have valuable skills and good enough memories to make us want to use our potential. Besides (to openly drag my presbyterian beliefs into a school system) God has a plan for us, don't even cease to stop trying to better yourself, but he and he alone determines whats best for you.
(P.S. I'd like to state that I, myself do not believe in an apocalypses but thought it would be a nice allusion to the differing points of view displayed on this blog page.)
Mr Veliz i believe what happened to our education system is that the parents stopped caring and just let the teachers do what ever they wanted to. I think what we need to do is get parents more involved let them see the problems and let talk to the teachers and school administrators.
I just watched this today and think it sounds like America is falling behind in education. I was surprised about the amount of hours children in China and India study and go to school. We have much more free time here in the US. I think we have a better life then they do because we have good schools, hang with friends, go on vacation, and more free time. The US does have kids that take school seriously and want to be engineers and doctors. But there a many kids that do not take school seriously. If the majority of students do not perform at the best of their abilities, we will fall behind other countries and no longer have the best jobs and have a good life.
MR. Veliz,
i think our education system is strugglin right now but we are making moves to change it, for example in a few years we are going to get rid of the fcat and have all final course exams instear. at least in florida
I agree with brenn. And our education is falling behind right now beacuse our country is trying to right its economy. The country is just starting to notice that we are falling behind in education.
I agree with mostly everything Emma said, but I do think America as a whole should work on their education system because although we go to the same colleges as them, those indian kids and chinese students and other kids across the world that work hard to get here in America, they are still learning more than we are at a greater pace so they achieve more and become more successful here in the United States. So many people who came from other parts of the world are taking a lot of our jobs today because of their knowledge and education. To be honest I have no idea how our education systems could adnvance and get to the point of the education systems in other parts of the vworld but I think it needs to because you can't get far in life without a strong solid education.
This movie told me something i did not know about. Personally i think that th U.S has a good system for education, but does not have the best system of education.I think that the United States needs to find a new and better system of education. I find it shocking that the U.S does not have as good of education as schools that are in other parts of the world because of all the technology that the U.S gives to schools and we do not have a better education then countries that do not have this technology. I am not saying that we need to try to crush other countries by having a better education, but that the United States needs to step up their game and try a new system of education or something so kids can get educated. I also think that U.S students need to be able to do what they want and have spare time, but something does need to change in the United States school system. (Earlier I posted something ,but it is not on here)
The United States government is not doing good and I think that is one of the main reasons that America's education system is not doing has good as it should be.Personally I do not think this is a crisis, but it still is a problem. The United States need to fix this problem, but needs to withou making any new problems.
I personally think our country is doing great in education right now, so we shoudn't try to push ourselves too far! Just look at all the people we have sent to international competitions and great schools. America is REALLY smart! It's just that we don't take all of these academic opportunities and show the world who's boss! The only reason people are saying how great foreign education is, is that they have put themselves out there and try new things. The point is, I don't think we should torture kids with hours of work, we should help them use their smart brains instead of slacking off.
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