During this third week of January 2009, we both celebrate history and witness history in the making. On Monday, we celebrated Martin Luther King, Jr. Day – remembering the contributions of the civil rights leader. In his most famous speech, delivered on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, D.C., King spoke of his dream – a dream of racial equality. He spoke at a time when African Americans suffered indignities such as being refused service in restaurants, being forced to ride in the back of public buses, to drink from black only water fountains, and much more. While our country has made great strides in the areas of race relations and racial equality, few can deny that racism still exist – in some areas of the country more than others.
It’s fitting around this time of year to reflect on MLK’s life and work. One question that we often ask is whether or not his dream has been realized. Have we come far enough? Have the barriers to racial equality been torn down sufficiently enough? If King was alive today (he would be 80-years-old this year), would he be satisfied with the progress that has been made? Has King’s dream been realized?
It is, perhaps, especially fitting to ask these questions this year. On Tuesday, one day after MLK Day, our nation’s first African American president was sworn into office. It was not very long ago that it would have been difficult to find someone who believed that this historic event would happen anytime soon. For many it must seem like a huge leap forward for African Americans. Is it? Does the election of Barack Obama signal the achievement of King’s dream? Regardless of who you supported in our last election, you cannot ignore that history has been made. Is the election of Barack Obama an achievement for all African Americans? Does he represent the “Dream” for all Americans of color – black, Hispanic, etc.?
Some have argued that there is no real connection between the election of Obama and the struggles of the average African American. Who’s right, those that see the election of President Obama as a realization of Martin Luther King’s dream, or those that feel we still have a long way to go?
What do you think? Avoid simple answers. Give me real thought. Read the comments of those posting before you. Come back after you post, and continue to keep up with additional posts until the deadline. I want a real conversation. Invite your parents to read the blog, and they can even comment. Enjoy!
Note: I'm including both King's "I Have a Dream" speech and Obama's inaguaral address.
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We have come a long way. From a once segregational country we are now seeing a painting in which all colors blend. African Americans sit and eat lunch together, while hispanics are out having a chat with asians. The colors once seperated by their painter are coming together are now beautiful. TOGETHER. Not as how they were apart. I use this example because a while ago in American history people thought that being caquaion(Excuse me if i spelled it wrong) was magnificent. That they were the supreme power, and seeing that if you werent such a race you werent as high or superior as they. Turning to the African American community and population. Then came Martin Luther King, a truly remarkable figure who saw that every man should be judged by there character, who they were on the inside, not their outside appearances such as color. He had a dream a dream in which all races could live peacfully with one another. Not being seperated, or making the other feel inferior. Now I see that Martin Luther King's dream is really coming along. We have come so far along that we have had our first African American president. That truly is a dream I would want, we need, and has prospered and come true.
Yes it has. I just ahd to be the first to comment!!!!!!!!!!
F period Rocks
I think that anyone can have their opinion but I think that the election of President Obama is a realization of Martin Luther King's dream. I think this because Barack Obama is the first African American to be sworn into office. Martin Luther King's dream was for everyone to be equal and i think that just showing what happened today has showed that. The United States of America has now been united between all races and if it wasn't for King's effort to make everyone equal then we wouldn't be here today and President Obama would not be near any of his dreams. I think there is a connection between President Obama and Martin Luther King's dream.
I agree with you Amanda 100%
Dee Culver, this is b period why are you blogging for b period if you are in f period?
HEYYYY WHATS UP IN HER!!!!!I think Amanda wrote alot and I totally agree with her on all of it!!! GO OBAMA!!!!
I believe that King not only wanted equality for african americans but all people of all race. racism is a problem and is not going to just end because Obama was elected. Kings dream was realized and it is slowly being addressed one step at a time. We have come very far from acting like african americans had a disease tha made it so that whites couldn't be near the african americans. Barack Obama's inauguration is a large step for african americans. it is an achievement for african americans and people of other races. We have come along way but there is still more we have to do to reach total equality for all people. there is so much left to do before we can really say that King's dream has been realized, assesed, and carried out. an african american president is a good step in the right direction but people doubt Obama's ability to lead because of his race and people are still being discriminated against.King wanted equality for everyone and if people are still being discriminated against because or age, race, religion, or any other reason then we can not say that we have followed through with King's dream of equality.
Ok before I leave my comment is dee culver in our class????
Our country has come a long way from whites and blacks being segregated. We used to not be able to sit together, not drink out of the same water fountain, and many more. African Americans had to sit at the back of the bus, and were treated like trash. All of this stuff is so foolish! I mean who did the whites think they were back then? It doesn't matter what we look like on the outside, it matters whats in the inside. Today in some of the states there is still racism and there are different forms all over the world. Apparently people like to be bullies. But racism has gone down since the work of MLK. I personally think that MLK would be proud of our improvements because look at the United States now black and whites go to school together, work together, are best friends, and we have our first African American President Barack Obama. The United States having an African American President is an achievement for all African Americans because they haven't cared what anybody else thinks and have risen to the top! By Barack Obama being elected MLK's dream has truely come into realization, and I believe that we come a long way from our country being full of racism.
I watched the whole video of those speeches (they are long!). In both of the sppeches Abraham Licncoln is mentioned and people of all colors are there watching the speech. Even though everyone has their different opinions on the whole President Obama stuff, theres no way you can change it now!
First of all, why is Ophelia leaving a comment here? haha.
But yes, America has come a great length. I'm glad to have been a part of this historical day in history when an African American was sworn into our office, and became our country's president. I believe everyone is equal and I wish that people could've seen that sooner. Yes, I totally agree with Amanda and Ria. I think it's nice to see African Americans, Asians, and caucasions* all sitting together in a middle school's lunch room. The world still has conflict, but that's totally fine because world peace is not expected from this one act. Barrack Obama isn't trying to change the whole world, he's changing this country. Which is neeeded. But, he is making an impact in my life, and everyone else's life. We're all in this together... for the long haul.
I agree with amanda and ra 100 percent!!!!!!!!
Emma K, I sort of disagree with you, but not really. I mean not everyone is going to act exactly how MLK wanted our country to be. Everybody just has their own opinions and that makes you who you are.
Oh, and MLK's dream has definetly been realized (:
sorry ria I left out the i!
you soo meant to leave the i of kt!
hey jentry's right, go on get ohpelia! just kidding.
I feel as though we have come such a long way since MLK' speech. Just like Amanda said the colors once seperated by their painter are coming together. I think that maybe if not for MLK' speech Obama would not have had the chance he had to become the president of the United States. I totally think that MLK' dream has been realized. I also think that if somehow MLK came back to life and saw the world we live in now he would be greatly satisfied.
Great start. Keep it up.
We have come a long way, like Amanda said. Blacks are friends with whites and we have realized(in a way) that were all the SAME. I have a black brother, and if it werent for Martin Luther King and his relationship with The Lord I think, that Omon Micheal Mims wouldnt be a part of my family or have a relationship with The Lord. I take this matter very seriously because in my eyes its a big deal. But having said that, I believe that we could be do much closer together. MLK waz an AWSOME MAN WHO STOOD UP FOR WHAT HE BELIEVED. And he made all that possible,(with the help of The Lord). And because he did that, Barrack Heisane Obama is able to be the
44th president of the United States. Years ago, noone wood have even thought about having a black president. I dont agree with anything Obama has to say honestly, but I respect him. And Im happy that he has done something that no one ever thought possible. Become the First African American president. Congrats Mr. Pres. But at the end, I dont totally agree with Amanda when she says that "We need a African American President". Because honestly, theres ni difference between a white man, black man, purple man, or dad gum ever RAINBOW MAN. So we dont need an African American in the White House, its all what you make it to be. Our Country has been fine under the care of every president, so wther Heisane Obama is black, white, mexican, purple, rainbow, or LEPRACON GOLD, the thing that matters is not the color of his skin, but how he makes the color of his different than another mans who has the same ideas.
Adding to before, Obama just made a big advancement to MLK's dream. But personally, His dream came true a long time ago. So it doesnt matter what color he is. He just better lead our counry in a Godly and the right way, which any color man can do.Black, white, Green, red, alien, Rainbow, or dag gum TIE DIE for all I care.
Is Dee Culver even in our school?
Hello, this is Maria Knight from A period. I just thought I'd check up on ya'll, see how it's going. Yea, Amanda, Ria, and Katy, I agree with ya'll. Not so much with Emma K. but that's okay. (That rhymed) Enjoy the blog!
Yea, Dee culver is DE ERICA!
Yea, Ohphila A period is 7th grade!
Ok, for starterz, i agree with most (if not everyone) of the people that commented b4 me.
I do believe that MLK's dream has been realised. In those past years, whites and black weren't in almost anything together. Blacks were forced to sit in the back of public buses, and even then, when there were no more seats, whites were allowed to force blacks to get up and give them their seat. And before that, they were slaves to (usually cruel) slave owners who made money off of abusive labor. And now, our country is a proud standing one, in which every race is considered equal. I am proud to say that I am not racist, even though there are still many people who are. I am sadened to know that there are so many people who believe others are inferior, just because of color. But our country has come a long way. We now even have an official president that's black. I believe that, if he (MLK) were here today, he would be very happy with our community.
Yeah I know that now maria
I completely agree with ria on this. Kings dream was for all the different races would get along and be friendly towards another. But most of all to realize that we arre all people. And i think King would be very proud now seeing that Obama has been elected president because it finally shows that we are all equals. And two last things dee culver and ophelia need to go and katy leave the i out thats rias nickname. Ra!
Yea, Maria here
Don't ya'll agree that racisim will never ever end? What I mean is that it will always be taught from generation to generation. Parents are gonna teach their children to hate other races. That's just how it works. (Which I totally hate)
MLK's dream has changed the world and now we have come along way. Like katy sayed African Americans used to have to sit at the back of the bus and couldn't even drink out of the same water fountain, and from that we have come very far, But we still have alot more that needs to be done. But racism is doing really good from what it used to be. It has gone down so much that MLK would be so proud. Not only can African American's sit with whites but now it has just taken another huge step and now we have the first African American President.
Its great we have a black prez but we just you know not make such a big deal out of it!!
Hey yall dis iz tom representin 4 F period!!.
On a more serious side now;
first off great comments to you all and happy National Hug Day. I enjoy hugs too. amanda the thing about a painting showing all colors it a terrific way to put is and.. really deep. Did you think of that yourself?!
I have to disagree, however, with the thing written by ophelia: GO OBAMA. I disagree becuase I don't think he was the right choice. He is a socialist and that's not good for America.
This is not me saying that I don't support him now and that I hope he does bad. i do support the president because he leads us, and I hope he does a good job... but i'm not sure he will.
Thank You!!!!!
Hey peps this is De'Erica from Fpd.
Amanda you are suppose to go on other peoples classes and comment on what they wrote!!!!
I also agree with Maria when she said that rasicm would never end because the world still has those ignirant people who make stupid comments about people just because of the color of their skin!!!!!!!!!!!!
Haha RA! I like how we are mean to ria and stuff. Im pretty sure thats Tom Eisman right? sorry if i spelled it wrong.
I agree with Morgan Mathews and sort of Morgan Mims. I think that a black president has deffinetly realized the dream of MLK.
Well boys basketball won tonight! I was there, and so was emily. This is for darya, morgan mims, deanne, and whoever else cares STRICKLER was there!!!! yeah it was cool. :)
I agree with most of what everyone else said and that we have come a very long way since Martin Luther king. It rocks that we finally have a black Prez. and I hope he does really well. I think that MLK's dream finally has come true and I think he would be really proud.
I hope Ria comes on and see's her new name ra ha ha.
Also why are A and F period comenting on B period blog so much.
I agree with everyone who has said that the dream is coming true but there still is racism. Obama being elected president was a big step. African Americans and other races finally have the rights they deserve. Martin Luther would have been proud of what has happened so far. Improvements can still be made in some areas. But racism has probably gone down at least 95% in the past years. May it continue to go down and justice to be served.
I think Martin Luther King's dream has been realized,like Jentry was saying you can look around and see all different kinds of races hanging out and not excluding one person because of their backround or the color of their skin. If MLK was still alive he would smile at the progress we all have made in the world. I don't no where we would be today if it wasn't for the bravery, courage, and love MLK had for the people, all his hard work payed off. I totally agree with amanda :).
"I have a dream that one day every valley shall be exalted, and every hill and mountain shall be made low, the rough places will be made plain, and the crooked places will be made straight; and the glory of the Lord shall be revealed and all flesh shall see it together!" These are the words of which an African American man risked (and lost) his life to simply spew out of the mouth of justice and equality. At one time in his life HE decided that that the "Not-Kewl Krazy Klan" had no right to slaughter Gods children, neither did African Americans have the right to do so to Caucasians. But his view of a canvas with black, white, red, and tan on it could blend into one massive bright and gorgeous color! The man himself predicted on live BBC Television, that WITHIN THE NEXT 40 YEARS, AN AFRICAN AMERICAN WILL BECOME THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA! The level of assuredness was truly blessed on all means. For a mans life long mission to end with such a great effect on not only our country but this earth. Barack Obama stands not only with people of all race watching him and loving what he poses for in our society, but straight accross from Martin Luther King. I beleive that on the day of the Inaguration MLK was saying his speech on the steps of the licoln memorial to represent what a dream can do to not only a nation, but a beleif. LINCOLN WAS RIGHT! MLK Jr. WAS RIGHT! OBAMA WAS RIGHT! RIA, AMANDA, KATY, AND JENTRY WERE RIGHT! THIS NATION HAS CHANGED AND WILL CONTINUE TO CHANGE TO A BRIGHT AND COLORFUL CANVAS OF WHICH ALL ARE RESPECTED.
Racism shows true colors, but respect will blend those colors
Emma Shields
If this is published then YAY!!! (Sorry-- I haven't been able to blog because my computer kept messing up every time I tried to submit my blog.) Ok, well here's my blog!!!
Like Amanda said, we have come a long way with racism. MLK would be satisfied with the progress that has been made. As I said before, racism has come a long way. Before people thought blacks were "unclean". They wouldn't let them have the freedoms that whites had. They couldn't really walk down the same side of a street with out getting a mean look or something. They couldn't drink from the same water fountains as whites and even had to ride in the back of the bus. I agree with Katy- It was foolish: thinking that just because you had a different color skin that you were totally different.
My opinion on Obama is that he really is only a sign or symbol or whatever of how far we've come. Sure he is part of the dream; but only a small part. It's not like the biggest difference made was electing an African American. We still have a way to go until the dream is fully realized. His dream was that EVERYONE was treated equal and racism doesn't exist anymore. Even though people don't realize it, people are keeping his dream from happening when they single people out; especially if they do it because of looks or differences. Not many know that. People do it to others of the same race too but wouldn't think of it in that way. When you first read this and say I'm wrong; read it back over and think about it. What IS MLK's dream? Does it include people getting singled out? Does it matter the reason? Does it JUST apply to the reason of appearance of SKIN or does it really apply to any reason?
By the way, most people have been saying that they think Emma K is wrong but its true, we have been addressing it slowly and one step at a time so GO EMMA!!!! hehe!
Wow! emma and morgan and them sure wrote a lot!
hey morgan is Obama's middle name really Heisane? I didn't know that!!!
Instead of saying 'GO OBAMA!!!', It's so much easier to combine it and say 'GOBAMA'(yes it does look wierd but it's just a thought ya know!!!!)
why do people from other classes comment on our blog????????
Hey Sage... I couldn't help but notice but... Did you do your comment IN school?
Hey Katy!!!
I agree with (most) of what has been said previously. The Africans were first shipped from their homes and sold and treated like beasts of burden when they reached the American colonies.In the nineteenth century though, President Lincoln abolished slavery (but not without a bloody battle against something the nation wouldn't expect, Itself!). though slavery abolished, the blacks (and other races and cultures)were still treated as lesser. Then, the dreams of a noble person, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., had sent him across the south, protesting the racist ways and helping all people of color win the chance to treated equally before the law with whites, and have their children and generations to come could play and live together. If Dr. King were alive today, he would be proud when he would hear that the first African American president was sworn in and that one person is not to judged by the color of their skin, but the content of their character. Though racism still lurks in the shadows, Dr. King's dream has come true.
Wow Emma Shields, that was beautiful. I completely agree with your, "Respect will blend the colors," thing. Sorry Tom D. but I have to disagree. Our society isn't perfect and never will be. Generation to generation will be taught to hate other races and that won't change.
I'm just comenting here cuz no one in my class coments much!
Thank you for your time
Most of you have done a great job. Lots of thoughtful comments. Even though there has been some disagreement, the conversation has remained civil. Thank you for that.
I did make some comments over on the A Period blog asking what exactly the "Dream" was. I invite you to go read them. In a nutshell, was MLK's Dream about seeing racism done away with completely? Can that ever happen. I tend to agree with Maria and others that argue that racism will always be with us. Does this mean that the "Dream" is impossible to realize?
Heyy. i pretty much agree with what alot of people about MLK's dream fullfilled. Now most of the time when people judge other races they judge thier style, language, and body language. I think that when i tell people that Obama was the lesser of the two cannidates they say thats racist. but i dont think it is. like tom said socialism is not a good thing for the country. especially now. If the extreme didn't work then the less extreme proboly won't work either. if you understand tha. it made since in my head though lol. but back to the topic. I believe that the chains of segregation are as severed as they will ever be. there will allways be racists on every race. nothing will ever change that. Unless another anti_rasist holocaust occurs. but that wont happen.
Darin your kinda late on the blogging.
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