Saturday, September 6, 2008

Are you a good citizen?

We talked quite a bit over the last few days about what citizenship is, and about how we can be good citizens. While we learned that there are certain steps to becoming a U.S. citizen, we hopefully realize by now that being a citizen of the U.S., or any other country for that matter, does not necessarily mean we active citizens of our community or our country.

So what does it take to be a good citizen? As citizens of the United States, should anything be expected of us when it comes to citizenship? How about required? Should citizens of this country be required to serve their communities and/or nation? Or should it be left up to the individual?

Some countries around the world have laws requiring citizens to serve in the military for a few years. Would this be a good idea in our country? How about requirements for community service? How do we balance the precious right to choose what we want to do with our time with the need for citizens to take an active role in protecting those freedoms?

Finally, how important is it that we as citizens take the initiative to learn all of that information on the citizenship test that we took on Thursday? If so few natural born citizens know that material, should we still require immigrants to know it in order to become citizens?

There is a lot to think about here, so take your time and give thoughtful responses. Teach me and your fellow students something.

I've provided a few links throughout the above text. They may help you think about the topic.

Your comments must be posted by 11:59 pm, on Wednesday, September 10. Good luck and have fun!!


Anonymous said...
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Unknown said...

I think that to be a good citizen you should be active to your country or community. I don't think there should be anything expected of us when it comes to citizenship because not everyone can live up to certain standards. Not everyone wants to be in the military even though its a good thing to fight for our country. I think it should be left to the individual of what to do. I think that there should be at least some requirements so that you are not such a bad citizen. We citizens should take an initiative to learn the citizenship test because it is very good information to learn but I don't think that immigrants should be required to know because very few of us know the information as citizens.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

I think that in order to be a good citizen you need to be able to respect both the laws and your rights, because rights are more than words on paper, they allow you to do what should be allowed, like to peacefully protest, to share opinions, and to have privacy. When ever you go to work and obey laws, you are always serving your community and nation, but like anything else, your rights are important, you are not required to go to work, but you are required to obey the law, so if you want rights, obey the law.

Like Ria said, the option of going into the military to serve your country should be strictly voluntary, and if this theory moved to the USA, nothing good would come out of it except anger and violent protests. One way to balance our rights and our civic needs is to give the "law obeying" people the option of joining, and instead of over-crowded jai ls, put convicts in the military.

I think that although the citizenship test helps with making sure immigrants know the presidents name, the three branches of government, and how many members there are in congress, what does this do to help them live in the united states? And why does a natural born US citizen not have to take a test like the immigrants? I disagree with the test, and because most people would say the test will help them vote more reliably, who says that they have to vote, personally I think that people should take the test to register for things like voting, offices in government, ect.

These are my thoughts and opinions...

Anonymous said...

To be a good citizen I think that everyone should help each other out in hard times. You should also help the envirement because without the envirment we would not have lots of things. You could do comuitiy service or pick up trash. To be a good citizen you should also falow the law. I agree with Ria that nothing should be expected from citizen because not everyone can live up to certain standards. I don't think anything should be required because not everyone can do the samethings others can. Example, What if you are required to work untill you die. 90 year old people can work because they would slow things down and they could be very week. I think that the citizens of this country should be required to serve their communities and/or nation because if everyone helped out 2 hours a mounth, just think of how good our communitie would be like. As of right now lots of people are serving their communities but I think it would be better if everyone did.

I don't think it is a good idea to have a law requiring citizens to serve in the army for a few yeras because for one we already have lot s of willing people to serve in the army and for two it would break up lots of familys and death rates would go up. I think that there should be requirements for communitie service so our communitie would be great. It would help us become better citizens. I am not sure how we blalnce the precious rights so would someone please Blog it and I will come back and look at it. Thanks.

I think that it is very important that we have to learn what is on the citizenship test because I think that it is very important that we know about our country and its history. Again I agree with Ria. I don't think immigrants should have to take the test because very few citizens pass it.

Could someone please help me with "How do we balance the precious right to choose what we want to do with our time with the need for citizens to take an active role in protecting those freedoms?" question. Thanks again.

Anonymous said...

I think that to be a good citizen you need to be aware of what is happening in our country. I don't think that to much should be expected of us exept for giving a small amount of charity work. Like Jenny said we need to be able to help each other out through our problems. I don't think that forcing people to join the army is a good thing and could causse conflict. I disagree and think that maybe instead of the citezin test for immagrents being so long maybe it could be shortend instead of being totally taken away, and i think that the citizens already of the united states,like jenny said, should also be aware of what is on the test.

Anonymous said...

I agree that you shouldn't have to be in the military for a while to become a citizen because some people would rather not be in the military. I think that it should be up to individual.

I think that a good citizen is doing good things to help the place you live, and the people living in that place to. as jenny said picking up trash every now and then will help you be a better citizen.

Also not doing crimes. witch would be following the laws and rules. even little rules like don't mess up school property. Because little rules like this helps you learn to follow the laws.

I don't think that citizens or immigrants should have to take the citizen test because for 1 all the born citizens would fail unless they want to be a president or something. And if the born citizens would fail some of the immigrants might fail to. (most of them don't because they study for the test if they want to be a citizen.) most of the people that are giving the test to immigrants might not know more half the answers to the questions there asking. unless they had to take the test of cource or they could be smart and just know those kind of things.

Anonymous said...

I think to be a good citizen, we could help out our country and/or community. But, no one should have to joing the military or anything like that. I agree with Ria. When I hear the words, "Good Citizen," I think of volunteer work. I think that everyone should be required to do some community work in their lifetime. Especially at our age because it'll get us ready for the future.

Also, the citizen test, I think it should be changed. Not everyone knows about most of the questions on it. I know I didn't and I'm a citizen. It would definetly be hard for people coming into our country to take it if thousands of people who live in our country can't. The questions should be about topics that have been going on lately. Not things that went on hundreds of years ago....

These are my opinions, and that's what I think.

Anonymous said...

I disagree about totally taking away the citizen test because the immagrents do need to now about our country but maybe having the chance to retake the test should be an option.

Anonymous said...

I think to be able to be a good citizen you really should take part in our country by helping in community service. This doesn't mean you should have to go to the military, you should still commit in anyway possible. I agree with Jentry that we should start at a young age. As a citizen i dont think immigrants should have to no certain questions on the citizen test, but should still be required to take the test. but there might have to be a warning label because i mean im even a citizen and i found the test pretty hard myself.

Anonymous said...

I think that no one should be forced to serve in the army or navy but being forced to participate in community service would be benefitial for everyone. the army is risking your life for your country and that needs to be a choice that individuals can make. people need to be able to choose if they want to risk their life for their country. I also believe that everyone should take the citizenship test and get 80 percent or higher to get the right to vote. the citizenship test would help make more informed voters. the test should also be given as a national test to eighth graders, tenth graders, twelveth graders, and then again to be able to vote. everyone should have to take the citizenship test at least twice after they pass it so everyone knows the current laws and government officials. there should also be a test given to students that is strictly their state and another test that is strictly the laws and rights of the US people.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Emma K about the Citizenship test and how you have to get a decent percentage to have the right to vote.
I agree with most of you that joining the military should be a thing of choice. But in times of crisis should it become nessacary for more troops to join I think they may need to put a bit of pressure on them in case we really need it.And it is true that not everyone can live up to some of these things like the military as Ria said.

Anonymous said...

I think that nobody should be forced into the military, but more should be required of citizens. I think that everyone should fly their nations flag outside their house. People should also need to know more about America so people don't just live in America just because they were born here. I think people should live in America because they are proud of being an American. For people to know this we should have a citizenship test every 5 years to force people to learn about their countries history and their laws. Most people including myself don't know near as much as we should about our country. We also need to know about our rights so we can follow them to be a better citizen. I disagree with emma on citizenship because taking the test isn't just a way to be able to vote its a way to learn about our nations history and how this country was founded. These are things we learn as children but the immigrants do not know anything about our history and why America is such a great country.

Anonymous said...

Hunter is right but he might be being a little cruel about forcing people to learn moere about their country. But on disagreeing with having them take the citizen test to vote and to use it for something else are two somewhat unlike subjects.

Anonymous said...

I think in being a good citizen we should be able to do stuff in not only helping your community, family, and friends but helping ourselves also in being the best person we can be. In helping our selves we could, finish school, work on how we treat other treat other people. Also no one should be forced in doind something they don't won't to do. I think its cruel how some countries force their citizens to join there army when they are a certain age, its your life your putting on the line, and if they want you to waste it, and join the army when your not ready. Then what life is there to live? Knowing more facts about our country would be great, but should we do it just becuase someone tells you to, or becuase we want to.

Anonymous said...

Hi!!! I Know im totally ignoring everyone else so sorry, but any way!

I think the military requirement shouldn't happen, i believe in freedom! And...... That's all i got for now.

i like chocolate chip cookies!
My post is over.

Anonymous said...

O! O!

also if your becoming a citizen and taking that test, if you pass you should do things for the community! and everyone else who's already a citizen should help!

I like banana pie!
My post is over.

Anonymous said...

I disagree with hunter because it is not cruel to force people to take the citizenship test. it would make people more informed voters and they need to learn about their country.I also agree with Amanda and Eric that you should get more rights than just voting if they pass the citizenship test. there should be a reason that people would want to take the citizenship test. the shouldn't be a punishment but people have it too easy just being able to vote just because they lived for 18 years. hunter is making the citizenship test sound like cruel and unusual punishment but it is just a test that full of informed voters need to know.

Anonymous said...

I don't think you should have to join the military to become a us citizen. you should be able to join by taking the citizenship test. It helps them learn about their new country and it will probably help them in the long run.

Anonymous said...

yeah like being a good citizen dos't mean that you need to be like going to war or being a govenor or a senator but instead doing simple stuff like gving people flowers, donationg to the red cross people who dress up as santa and ring a bell, and helping little old ladies cross the street. to be a good citizen you don't need to be able to name the 100 senators or know what type of ink the declaration was written in but you need to know whos running for president.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Darin, because you don't need to know everything about your country to be a good citizen. You could do a lot of conmmunity service and be a good citizen. But you should atleast be able to know like who is running for president at that time. I also think that the citizen test is not required, but only to the people who want to be a citizen of the United States. No one should be forced to take the test if they were born in the United States. I think that all you need to do to be a good citizen is to help your country and community in good ways, follow the laws, and know as much as you can about U.S. history that you can learn on your own and you can be qualified as a good citizen.

Anonymous said...

I dont think we should have a draft but I think its a good idea to make imagrants take a test to become citizens of the united states. I dont think citizens should have to do community service but they should do some anyway.

Anonymous said...

Yeah i agree with darin and katy. You shouldn't have to take a test but only if you want to be a like full plegded citizen. And i also beleive that you should do some community service but not if you dont want to. And i totally agree with hunter about being proud to be an American and should fly the Nations flag in you'r yard. I just don't agree with the every 5 year test. No thanks.

Anonymous said...

community service should be expected but not required because wether a person wants to live in a community that looks trashy or neat should be entirely up them because what people think about them is there responcibility. I dont think you should have to take a test to become a citizen but i think before you get a job you should have to take a course and then a test o you know your basic rights, but if you fail the test nothing bad will happen you will jut have to retake it.

Anonymous said...

Dude,wether i agree with anything that was mentioned or not,there are still gonna be bad citizens.But to be a "Good" citizen, I think that you should be some what active in your community. I really dont care what,as long as it's something to benifit others in your community.I totally dont think that the country or whatever should force you to be in the military.There are plenty of men and women who have wanted to be in the military about their whole life,and they are fit to do the job.But if you are forced,the military doesnt know wahts goin on in your life at that time,and you may not be prepared.That could lead to who knows what,and it wouldnt be fair.I could care less about citizen tests,but I have been taught all the info. in school.Immigrants have no idea so they should have to know a little about Americas history.But I dont think that they should have to take that long and hard test.I mean,if I take a test,I forget about within a couple weeks,so if they arent gonna rember half the thingson the test,wats the point of making them take it.I also agree with Morgan Matthews when she says that you should know the laws and respect them.Im not saying your a totally bad citizen if you do,but it also depends on which laws.I agree with Jentry as well.Young men and women at our age should be required to do some volunteer work.Not a totally strict schedule, but 5 or 6 times a year would give us really good experience and give us a chance to make a major impact on the community.

Anonymous said...

F PERIOD ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!